PRAYAAS Pravesh NCERT Module 2024/25 _ Enroll NOW...

Board Of Directors

Mr. Aaditya Deore

Founder Director

With 10+ years of teaching experience in Geography Optional, he is one of the most sought after teachers in this subject. An engineer by education, he has achieved exceptional ranks in competitive exams like CAPF (AIR - 73), LIC AAO, SBI PO, and NABARD Grade A. Aaditya Sir's leadership and vision have proved to be backbone for PRAYAAS, where students are groomed to achieve their career aspirations

His expertise in Geography Optional and commitment to students' success truly make him one of the pillars of PRAYAAS. Traveling and exploring new places, riding motorcycles are his hobbies and he also is a fitness freak...!

Mr. Mohit V. Sawant

Founder Director

With 9+ years of teaching experience, he is an expert faculty for General Studies Paper-3 and has mentored over 10000 students in the last decade. Mohit Sir's exceptional teaching skills and specially the emotional connect as a teacher with the students makes him stand apart tall.

In the words of his students- “his teaching makes the subjects like economics and environment so lively, that it compels us to go at the deepest depths of those...”- Under his leadership, exceptional communication and people management skills, PRAYAAS is traversing the path of excellence and success. Apart from teaching, he feels home in experimenting with his taste buds. A Foodie at heart, he also likes to introduce people to new cuisine tastes!

Mr. Chaitanya C. M. Tatte

Founder Director

With a degree in Agriculture and 4+ years of teaching experience, he is a highly skilled faculty for General Studies Paper-2 and CSAT, as well as Agriculture Optional. As an ex-Agricultural Field Officer at Syndicate Bank, Chaitanya Sir brings with him a wealth of practical knowledge and expertise.

Under his leadership, PRAYAAS has become a hub of excellence, where students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel in their chosen fields. Besides teaching, he is also a nemophilist, who likes to connect with nature, and also a photographer at heart and deeply inclined towards music and books!

Prof. Swapnil M. Jogi

Executive Director

With over 5+ years of academic experience as an Assistant Professor and an experience of more than 7+ years as a Journalist, Swapnil Sir brings a unique blend of academic knowledge and field experience to the classroom. A seasoned journalist with Masters and the 'NET' qualification in Journalism and Mass Communication, he is a connoisseur of his field.

His expertise in subjects like Ethics (General Studies Paper-4) and Essay Writing added with his pedagogical experiments in the class, will be like some unique rendezvous with these challenging subjects. He believes educators should help students learn, observe, analyze and communicate with the world around them. A strong supporter of the saying 'Education and Learning is something that goes beyond the textbooks,' Swapnil Sir is also a binge watcher of 'world cinema' and an enthusiastic theatergoer!

For Feedback and Suggestion


PRAYAAS Institute of Excellence is dedicated to transforming education for a holistic development of an Individual.


Contact Us

Ramashree, CTS No, 279, NC Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, Pune, Maharashtra 411030

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